Instructed by current Superintendents and Directors of Education from the Catholic and Public School Boards in Eastern Ontario, you will be engaged in relevant, purposeful and invigorating learning that will prepare you to be a highly successful Supervisory Officer.  The learning modules are convened in district school board administrative offices allowing for simulations of supervisory activities such as board meetings, executive council meetings, presentations to stakeholders, media responses and much more.

You will study the political, economic and diverse social realities of Ontario society and the impact of these forces on education, schools and systems.  You will critically inquire into the practices of supervisory officers as they work collaboratively to nurture system culture and establish processes that support an equitable and inclusive environment for learning and well-being.


Recent testimonials

I can’t say enough about the facilitators within EOSDN.  There was a wonderful combination of lived experiences and diverse roles which added to the many in-depth conversations. Their skill set to facilitate the modules and share their experiences and knowledge with the candidates was second to none.   M. McNair, UCDSB

The leadership of education, Catholic and Public, is in great hands in the eastern region with the candidates within EOSDN.   P. Buffone, RCDSB

What stood out to me are the many connections I formed with other candidates….and how we have continued to connect and reach out to each other   J. Graydon, RCCDSB

The opportunity for dedicated time to network with colleagues from other boards is the power of the EOSDN model.  R. McFadden, HPEDSB

My favourite part of the EOSDN SOQP journey was meeting and listening to all of the candidates, facilitators and presenters.  I loved hearing so many diverse perspectives on leadership and on the education landscape in Ontario.  B. Bradshaw, ALCDSB

EOSDN SOQP Schedule 2024-25

Module1: Supervisory Officer as System Leader

June 14, 2025 Virtual

July 7-9, 2025 In person hosted by Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic DSB

July 10, 2025 Virtual



Michael Faught
Michael Faught, Superintendent of Education, Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District SB

A J Keene Superintendent of Education, Ottawa Carleton DSB

A J Keene, Superintendent of Education , Ottawa - Carleton DSB


Module 2:  Governance

October 2-3, 2025 : In person hosted by Hastings & Prince Edward DSB

October 4 : Virtual

November 10-11, 2025 : In person hosted by Ottawa Catholic School Board

Module Flyer Here 


Tina Elliott
Tina Elliott, Superintendent of Education, Hastings and Prince Edward DSB

Shelley Montgomery
Shelley Montgomery, Superintendent of Education, Ottawa Catholic SB


Module 3: Leading System Change

January 23 - 24, 2025 - In person hosted by Ottawa-Carleton DSB
February 14, 2025 - Virtual
February 27 - 28, 2025 - In person hosted by Ottawa-Carleton DSB
Registration Deadline: December 16, 2024

Module flyer here


Mary Jane Farrish
Mary Jane Farrish, Superintendent of Instruction, Ottawa-Carleton DSB

Heidi Fraser
Heidi Fraser, Superintendent of Educational Services, Renfrew Catholic County DSB

Module 4: Accountability

April, 29, 2025, - Virtual

May 8, 2025, ( 4:30- 9:00 pm ) 

May 9-10, 2025.   May 8-10 In person Hosted by Limestone District School Board

May 22, 2025 - Virtual

Registration Deadline: April 11, 2025

Module Flyer here


Krishna Burra
Krishna Burra, Director of Education, Limestone District SB

Brent Bovaird  Superintendent of School Effectiveness, Catholic District SBEO
Brent Bovaird, Superintendent of School Effectiveness, Catholic District SBEO


Program Modules

The Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program comprises four instructional modules and a leadership practicum, each of which is a minimum of fifty hours. The SOQP integrates theory and practice and will provide candidates with the opportunity to engage in critically reflective practice as through inquire into and apply systems thinking applied to system leadership responsibilities. The SOQP enables candidates to advance their professional learning and system level leadership practices to support an equitable and inclusive education system. Candidates of the SOQP will be exposed to new and existing legislation, as well as resources to be explored within the context of the program.   

Module 1: Supervisory Officer as System Leader

In this module, candidates explore evidence-based leadership styles to inform the development of their professional leadership profile within the context of system leadership. Candidates build an understanding of the importance of establishing and sustaining a shared vision for learning, strategic planning, communication and networking, There is a focus on workforce development, including leadership development, skills and strategies to enhance crisis prevention, intervention and management skills as well as conflict management and negotiation. 

Module 2: Governance

In this module, candidates integrate theory and practice as it relates to school board policies and procedures based on legislation, management of staff, labour relations, alignment of student achievement with the School Boards Governance Act , democratic citizenship that respects diversity and promotes social justice, and corporate infrastructures that advance the system vision. The focus in on understanding leadership and governance from a system perspective. 

Module 3: Leading System Change

In this module, candidates explore change management theories and strategies to support the role of supervisory officer as a change agent to implement a systemwide approach based on an anti-oppression foundation. Candidates acquire and consolidate knowledge about school and board improvement planning and apply this in the supervision of culturally relevant and responsive instruction and assessment practices, strategies and trauma informed approaches. 

Module 4: Accountability

In this module, candidates expand their knowledge of data types and sources to inform system decisions and improve governance, system process and practices for enhancing student learning, mental health and wellbeing. Policies and processes related to funding legislation are explored, as well as hiring practices , environmental and economic sustainability, and responsive communication strategies. 

The Leadership Practicum

The Leadership Practicum is a required component of the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program and is an in-depth educational experience designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their ability to integrate and apply the content from the SOQP modules and their leadership competencies within a district school board or other educational setting of a similar nature. This experience provides the candidate with an opportunity to work directly with the Senior Team in their School Board.

The Practicum is offered concurrently to instructional modules and is supported by the EOSDN Practicum Coordinator, Barb Fraser-Stiff:

Admission Requirements

The SOQP Candidates will be accepted for entry into the program based on the submission of full documentation as required by Ontario Regulation 176.10 for academic applications and Regulation 309 (as amended by O. Reg. 182/97) for business applications.

All instructional modules and the Leadership Practicum fees are $1,243.00 (includes applicable taxes)
An Administration Fee of $250.00 will apply to all new candidates who are accepted into the EOSDN Program who do not complete a minimum of one module. Should this occur, EOSDN will invoice for the Administration fee.

NOTE: TAX Receipts will be issued in February for sessions attended in the previous calendar year.

Evaluation of the Program

Candidates will prepare reports, make presentations, respond to cases studies, and write papers to demonstrate their level of understanding and growth. Candidates must maintain a Professional Portfolio throughout the program. Upon successful completion of the four modules and Leadership Practicum, candidates will participate in an exit exercise which includes a presentation of their Professional Portfolio and Practicum.

Consolidated Ontario Education Statutes and Regulations - Available to Candidates Online Effective October 1, 2016 

SOQP Application Forms, Handbooks and Fillable Forms

Please note: The following forms are fillable and may be saved to your desktop for completion and submission as directed.

Leadership Practicum Fillable Forms

All forms are ready to save on to your desktop and/or to print and complete later.

Academic Entrance Requirements

For consideration for admission into the EOSDN Supervisory Officer’s Qualifications Program, the candidate must first submit proof of meeting each the following criteria, as stipulated in Ontario Regulation 176.10

Business Entrance Requirements

As required by Regulation 309 of the legislation, applicants shall have: